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Everyone knows that exercise is good for your health. Exercising during pregnancy can have additional benefits. Generally, exercise should be light, especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy while your body adjusts to the changes. Heavy exercise can divert blood flow from crucial areas and most women that exercise regularly should tone down their workouts during pregnancy.
Walking, swimming, and yoga are two popular exercise activities suitable for pregnant women. Other forms of exercise like weight lifting are okay too as long as it is not too strenuous. Most experts recommend exercising 3-4 times a week, unless a medical condition prevents it. If in doubt, always consult a physician first. Listed below are some of the top reasons for exercising during pregnancy.
Exercise can reduce the length of labor and reduce recovery times. The right exercise routines will increase stamina needed for delivery.
Improve emotional health – exercise lowers stress and improves emotional health and can make it easier for the new mother to get through the experience of pregnancy.
Exercise can help with weight management after the child is born. A common concern with most mothers is losing weight after pregnancy. Exercising during pregnancy can make postpartum weight loss easier.
Exercise is good for your unborn baby. By keeping your body healthy, you are also helping out your baby.
Reduced pregnancy side effects – Symptoms like headaches, fatigue, swelling, and constipation are common in pregnant women. Exercising has been shown to reduce the occurence of these symptoms.
Decrease risk of premature birth – exercise has been shown in studies to decrease the risk of premature birth by about 50%.
Make sure to drink plenty of fluids before exercising, have a nutritious diet, and avoid over exertion. Also, listen to your body – if you start feeling sick or nauseous, then you should stop and rest.

About The Author

Rumiana Ilieva is the Webmaster at http://www.women-workout-routines.com and an avid amateur trainer. The site reviews weight loss workout routines and offers many free video workouts. To train on line visit http://www.women-workout-routines.com/free-workout-routines.html . You can print this article in your internet site or print media, but cite a source.

This article was posted on March 22, 2006


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