Tag Archives: Optimize

Meditate Your Weight: A 21-Day Retreat to Optimize Your Metabolism and Feel Great

Meditate Your Weight: A 21-Day Retreat to Optimize Your Metabolism and Feel Great

Meditate Your Weight: A 21-Day Retreat to Optimize Your Metabolism and Feel Great

  • Harmony Books

The mind makeover that makes over your metabolism.Hundreds of medical studies have shown the spectacular health benefits of meditation.  Now Tiffany Cruikshank, founder of Yoga Medicine, puts that scientific research to good, practical use by incorporating easy-to-use, targeted meditations into a unique weight-loss program. This 21-day plan optimizes health as well as body image by tapping the hidden strength of the mind.  We learn a whole new way to lose weight; and it takes just a few relaxi

List Price: $ 22.00
